After a long Christmas break I wasnt sure who was more unfit me or the hounds. Wet season had started in the gulf and there was plenty of water about. Craig hit me up to head down the river for a fish and a swim with his family and it wasn’t long before we were loaded up an on our way. Now even though he said a swim and a fish when you live in the heart of prime pig territory, we loaded up the bikes and plated the hounds.
Was only a short 20 minute drive to where we were heading and the gulf looked like a totally different place from the dusty dry place I remember from November. There was water everywhere and foot high grass that green it was almost fluorescent.
January in the gulf is scorching hot and as soon as we arrived at the river we were all straight in the water even the hounds. I brought big max along and Craig had his bitch Xena. We would have been there twenty minutes swimming and without us knowing Xena had put the nose to the ground and snuck off. Just as we realised she was missing we heard the sound that we all dream about, a good hit up a mixture of a bark and a deep grunt from what sounded to be a good boar. No words needed to be said and we were on the bikes flying to give her a hand.
Xena wouldn’t have been any more than 500m from where we were swimming and she had pulled up a cracker. A big black boar with a white belly and he was dishing it out to her. After a little bit of filming it was time to put this big fella out of his misery and he was quickly dispatched.
The boar was in top condition so we decided to weigh him up. He went 90kg Craig and I were stoked with the first boar for 2015.
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